Altnordisches Wörterbuch - elskr
Bedeutung des altnordischen Wortes "elskr"
Wie im Cleasby & Vigfusson Altnordisch-Englisch Wörterbuch definiert:
- elskr
- adj., in the phrase, e. at e-m, fondly attached to one, fond of one, of the attachment of children, or to children; hann var elskr at Agli, he loved the boy Egil, Eg. 187; Egill (the father) unni honum mikit, var Böðvarr (the child) ok e. at honum, 599: also used of animals, ok svá elskir hvarr at öðrum, at hvárr rann eptir öðrum, two steeds that never left one another, Nj. 81; hann (the ox) er mjök elskr at mér, Fms. iii. 132; hence mann-elskr, of pet lambs or tamed animals (but never used of cats, dogs, or animals that are constant companions of man); heima-e., home-loving, one who never leaves the hearth, Fs. 4.
Mögliche Runeninschrift im Jüngeren Futhark:ᛁᛚᛋᚴᚱ
Jüngere Futhark-Runen wurden vom 8. bis 12. Jahrhundert in Skandinavien und ihren überseeischen Siedlungen verwendet
Verwendete Abkürzungen:
- adj.
- adjective.
Zitierte Werke & Autoren:
- Eg.
- Egils Saga. (D. II.)
- Fms.
- Fornmanna Sögur. (E. I.)
- Fs.
- Forn-sögur. (D. II.)
- Nj.
- Njála. (D. II.)