Altnordisches Wörterbuch - hvern
Bedeutung des altnordischen Wortes "hvern"
Wie im Cleasby & Vigfusson Altnordisch-Englisch Wörterbuch definiert:
- hvern
- or hvörn, f. [proncd. kvörn or kvern, but distinction is to be made between kvern, mola, and hvern, cerebrum; for in the latter word h is the true initial, as is shewn by comparison with Ulf. hwairnei = κρανίον, Mark xv. 22; Scot. harns; Germ. hirn; Swed. hjerna; Dan. hjerne, which stand in the same relation to hvern as hjól to hvel]:—the two boat-formed white bones embedded in a fish’s brains. These bones, as well as shells, are in Icel. collected and used by children in the game of guessing, as nuts etc. are in England; hann lauk þá upp höfuðskeljum mannanna, og tók hnefa-fylli úr hverju höfði og hugði vandliga að; eintómar hvarnir, og ekki nema tvær í þorsk-kindinni, Fjölnir (1845) 52. hvarnar-skeljar, f. pl. = hvarnir.
Mögliche Runeninschrift im Jüngeren Futhark:ᚼᚢᛁᚱᚾ
Jüngere Futhark-Runen wurden vom 8. bis 12. Jahrhundert in Skandinavien und ihren überseeischen Siedlungen verwendet
Verwendete Abkürzungen:
- Dan.
- Danish.
- etc.
- et cetera.
- f.
- feminine.
- Germ.
- German.
- Icel.
- Iceland, Icelander, Icelanders, Icelandic.
- l.
- line.
- m.
- masculine.
- n.
- neuter.
- pl.
- plural.
- proncd.
- pronounced.
- Scot.
- Scottish.
- Swed.
- Swedish.
- Ulf.
- Ulfilas.
- v.
- vide.