Dictionnaire vieux norrois - á-ljótr
Signification du mot vieux norrois "á-ljótr"
Comme défini par le dictionnaire vieux norrois-anglais de Cleasby & Vigfusson :
Le mot vieux norrois á-ljótr peut signifier :á-ljótr
- á-ljótr
- m. [ljótr, deformis], gen. s and ar, dat. áljóti; a law term, a serious bodily injury that leaves marks, wilfully inflicted; only once, Grág. ii. 146, used of a libellous speech; áljótsráð is the intention to inflict áljót, and is distinguished from fjörráð (against one’s life), sárráð, and drepráð, Grág. ii. 127, 117, 146; áljótr eðr bani, i. 497; áljótsráð, as well as fjörráð, if carried out in action, was liable to the greater out-lawry (ii. 127), but áljótr, in speech, only to the lesser, and this too even if the charge proved to be true; ef maðr bregðr manni brigslum, ok mælir áljót, þótt hann segi satt, ok varðar fjörbaugsgarð, ii. 146; an intended áljótsráð, if not carried into effect, was also only liable to the lesser out-lawry, 127: every one was to be brought to trial for the actual, not the intended injury; as, vice versa, a man was tried for murder, if the wound proved mortal (ben), though he only intended to inflict a blow (drep) or wound (sár), 117; cp. also i. 493.
- á-ljótr
- COMPDS: áljótseyrir, áljótsráð.
Inscription runique possible en futhark jeune :ᛅ-ᛚᛁᚢᛏᚱ
Les runes du futhark jeune ont été utilisées du 8ème au 12ème siècle en Scandinavie et dans leurs colonies à l'étranger
Abréviations utilisées :
- cp.
- compare.
- dat.
- dative.
- gen.
- genitive.
- m.
- masculine.
- n.
- neuter.
Œuvres & Auteurs cités :
- Grág.
- Grágás. (B. I.)