Słownik staronordyjski - hand-festr
Znaczenie staronordyjskiego słowa "hand-festr"
Zgodnie z definicją słownika Cleasby & Vigfusson z języka staronordyjskiego na angielski:
Staronordyjskie słowo hand-festr może oznaczać:hand-festr
- hand-festr
- f. striking a bargain, the joining hands; þá ferr handfestr um allt skipit þeirra í millum at þessu heiti, Bs. i. 421; áttu þeir at handfesti ok vápna-tak at þessu heiti, Fms. v.ii. 55; tóku þeir heit sitt með h., v. 138; sira Oddr tók þá ok þetta skilorð með h., Bs. i. 746; við vitni ok h., Fb. i. 366: it answers to the signing one’s name in mod. law. ☞ In the early Dan. and Swed. laws the stipulation to be given by the king at his coronation was called haand-fæstning. In Scotland marriage used often to be preceded by a preliminary union called hand-fasting, see Jamieson s. v.
- hand-festr
- II. a rope by which to haul oneself up, Jm. 1.
Możliwa inskrypcja runiczna w młodszych Fuþark:ᚼᛅᚾᛏ-ᚠᛁᛋᛏᚱ
Runy młodszego Fuþark były używane od VIII do XII wieku w Skandynawii i ich osadach zamorskich
Używane skróty:
- Dan.
- Danish.
- f.
- feminine.
- mod.
- modern.
- n.
- neuter.
- s. v.
- sub voce.
- Swed.
- Swedish.
- v.
- vide.
- m.
- masculine.
Prac i autorów cytowanych:
- Bs.
- Biskupa Sögur. (D. III.)
- Fb.
- Flateyjar-bók (E. I.)
- Fms.
- Fornmanna Sögur. (E. I.)
- Jm.
- Jóns-máldagi. (J. I.)