Słownik staronordyjski - hleri
Znaczenie staronordyjskiego słowa "hleri"
Zgodnie z definicją słownika Cleasby & Vigfusson z języka staronordyjskiego na angielski:
- hleri
- a, m. or hlöri, but hleði in Korm. 10, Ísl. ii. 113; that hleri or hlöri is the better form is borne out by the mod. usage as well as by the derived hler and hlera:—a shutter or door for bedrooms and closets in old dwellings, which moved up and down in a groove or rabbet, like windows in Engl. dwellings, and locked into the threshold: the passage in Korm. S. is esp. decisive, where Kormak sees Steingerda’s feet outside between the half-shut door (hleri) and the threshold,—hann rak kerli fyrir hleðann svá at eigi gékk aptr, viz. between the threshold and the shutter, Ísl. ii. 113; hence comes the law phrase, standa á hleri (hlera?), to stand at the shutter, i. e. to stand listening, eaves-dropping, Bjarn. 43: freq. in mod. usage, as also standa of hleðum, id., Hðm. 23: in mod. usage a shutter for a window is called hleri.
Możliwa inskrypcja runiczna w młodszych Fuþark:ᚼᛚᛁᚱᛁ
Runy młodszego Fuþark były używane od VIII do XII wieku w Skandynawii i ich osadach zamorskich
Używane skróty:
- Engl.
- English.
- esp.
- especially.
- freq.
- frequent, frequently.
- gl.
- glossary.
- id.
- idem, referring to the passage quoted or to the translation
- i. e.
- id est.
- l.
- line.
- m.
- masculine.
- mod.
- modern.
- n.
- neuter.
- S.
- Saga.
- viz.
- namely.
Prac i autorów cytowanych:
- Bjarn.
- Bjarnar Saga. (D. II.)
- Hðm.
- Hamðis-mál. (A. II.)
- Korm.
- Kormaks Saga. (D. II.)