Old Norse Dictionary - maka
Betydningen af oldnorske ordet "maka"
Som defineret af Cleasby & Vigfusson Old Norse til English ordbog:
Oldnorske ordet maka kan betyde:maka
- maka
- ð, [Engl. make; Germ. machen; a root word quite alien from the Northern languages, for of the three references below, two seem to be put into the month of foreigners trying to speak Norse]:—to make; in the phrase, ek ska1 maka honum háðung, I will ‘make shame’ to him, O. H. l. 45 (the persons in the story were prob. foreigners); maki enginn sukk, let none ‘make’ a disturbance, the words of John the Fleming in Bs. i. 801; byrjar oss at maka þessar þjóðir í várri dvöl með nokkurri venju, we ought to put them to some shame, Al. 119.
- maka
- 2. to smear, grease, freq. in mod. usage, perh. derived from maka háðung above, or it may be quite a different word.
Mulig runeindskrift i yngre futhark:ᛘᛅᚴᛅ
Yngre futhark runer blev brugt fra det 8. til det 12. århundrede i Skandinavien og deres oversøiske bosættelser
Lignende indtastninger:
Forkortelser brugt:
- Engl.
- English.
- Germ.
- German.
- gl.
- glossary.
- l.
- line.
- L.
- Linnæus.
- m.
- masculine.
- prob.
- probably.
- freq.
- frequent, frequently.
- mod.
- modern.
- perh.
- perhaps.
Værker & Forfattere citeret:
- Al.
- Alexanders Saga. (G. I.)
- Bs.
- Biskupa Sögur. (D. III.)
- O. H. L.
- Ólafs Saga Helga Legendaria. (E. I.)