Altnordisches Wörterbuch - hreinn
Bedeutung des altnordischen Wortes "hreinn"
Wie im Cleasby & Vigfusson Altnordisch-Englisch Wörterbuch definiert:
Das altnordische Wort hreinn kann bedeuten:hreinn
- hreinn
- 1. adj. [Ulf. hrains = καθαρός; A. S. hrân; lost in Engl., except in the verb to rinse; O. H. G. hreini; Germ. rein; Dan.-Swed. ren]:—clean; h. líndúkr, Hom. 138, FS. 1; hrein klæði, FmS. vi. 207; gott korn ok hreint, SkS. 326; hreint vatn, Gd. 22; h. lögr, Alm. 35; hrein munnlaug, H. E. i. 489; h. mjöll, fresh snow, Rm. 26.
- hreinn
- β. bright; hreinir kyndlar, bright candles, Sól. 69; hreint bál, a bright flame, Lex. poët.; h. sól, the bright sun, id.; h. ok gagnsær, Hom. (St.) 15. 13; hreint sverð, hrein vápn, FmS. x. 360, Rétt. 120; h. rönd, a bright shield, Lex. poët.
- hreinn
- γ. eccl., hrein kvikendi, clean beasts, Hom. 29.
- hreinn
- II. metaph. clean, pure, sincere; hreint hjarta, h. hugr, hrein iðran, hreint líf, BS. i. 270, Sól. 7, Barl. 93, n. T., Vídal., PasS. passim.
- hreinn
- β. = Gr. καθαρός in the n. T. of the cleansed leper; ú-hreinn, unclean; tá-hreinn, quite clean.
- hreinn
- 2. m. [the word is prob. of Finnish origin. From the words of king Alfred, (þa deor he hâtað hrânas, Orosius i. 1, § 15, Bosworth’s Ed.), it seems that the king knew the name only from Ohthere’s tale; and when Egil in his poem on king Athelstân (if the verse be genuine) calls Northern England hreinbraut, the reindeers’ track, the phrase is prob. merely poët. for a wilderness. There is however a curious passage in Orkn. (448) where the hunting of reindeer in Caithness is recorded; the Icel. text is here only preserved in a single MS.; but though the Danish translation in Stockholm (of the year 1615) has the same reading, it is probably only a mistake of the Saga; for it is not likely that the Norsemen carried reindeer across the sea; the present breed was introduced into Icel. by the government only a century ago]:—a reindeer, Hm. 89, K. Þ. K. 132, FaS. iii. 359; hreins fit, Hkr. ii. 250; hreins horn, Ann. Nord. Old. 1844, 1845, p. 170; hreina hold, SkS. 191. The finest deer were called stál-hreinar (the stæl-hrânas of king Alfred), cp. tálhreinn, Haustl. In northern poetry, ships are freq. called hreinn, see Lex. poët., byr-hreinn, haf-h., hún-h., unnar-h., hlýrvangs-h., Gylfa-h., all of them meaning ships, Lex. poët.: a giant is called gnípu-h. = ‘crag-rein,’ Þd.: the wilderness is myrk-rein hreins = the mirk-field of the reindeer, Haustl. Hreinn is an old pr. name, Landn.
- hreinn
- COMPDS: hreinbraut.
Mögliche Runeninschrift im Jüngeren Futhark:ᚼᚱᛁᛁᚾᚾ
Jüngere Futhark-Runen wurden vom 8. bis 12. Jahrhundert in Skandinavien und ihren überseeischen Siedlungen verwendet
Verwendete Abkürzungen:
- adj.
- adjective.
- A. S.
- Anglo-Saxon.
- Dan.
- Danish.
- Engl.
- English.
- f.
- feminine.
- Germ.
- German.
- gl.
- glossary.
- l.
- line.
- m.
- masculine.
- n.
- neuter.
- O. H. G.
- Old High German.
- S.
- Saga.
- Swed.
- Swedish.
- Ulf.
- Ulfilas.
- id.
- idem, referring to the passage quoted or to the translation
- eccl.
- ecclesiastical.
- metaph.
- metaphorical, metaphorically.
- Gr.
- Greek.
- cp.
- compare.
- freq.
- frequent, frequently.
- Icel.
- Iceland, Icelander, Icelanders, Icelandic.
- poët.
- poetically.
- pr.
- proper, properly.
- prob.
- probably.
Zitierte Werke & Autoren:
- Alm.
- Alvís-mál. (A. I.)
- Fms.
- Fornmanna Sögur. (E. I.)
- Fs.
- Forn-sögur. (D. II.)
- H. E.
- Historia Ecclesiastica Islandiae. (J. I.)
- Hom.
- Homiliu-bók. (F. II.)
- Rm.
- Rígsmál. (A. II.)
- Sks.
- Konungs Skugg-sjá. (H. II.)
- Lex. Poët.
- Lexicon Poëticum by Sveinbjörn Egilsson, 1860.
- Rétt.
- Réttarbætr. (B. II.)
- Sól.
- Sólarljóð. (A. III.)
- Barl.
- Barlaams Saga. (F. III.)
- Bs.
- Biskupa Sögur. (D. III.)
- N. T.
- New Testament.
- Pass.
- Passiu-Sálmar.
- Vídal.
- Vídalíns-Postilla.
- Ann.
- Íslenzkir Annálar. (D. IV.)
- Fas.
- Fornaldar Sögur. (C. II.)
- Haustl.
- Haustlöng. (A. I.)
- Hkr.
- Heimskringla. (E. I.)
- Hm.
- Hává-mál. (A. I.)
- K. Þ. K.
- Kristinn-réttr Þorláks ok Ketils = Kristinna-laga-þáttr. (B. I.)
- Landn.
- Landnáma. (D. I.)
- Orkn.
- Orkneyinga Saga. (E. II.)
- Þd.
- Þórs-drápa. (A. I.)