Diccionario de Nórdico Antiguo - deila
Significado de la palabra en nórdico antiguo "deila"
Según el diccionario inglés de nórdico antiguo de Cleasby & Vigfusson:
La palabra en nórdico antiguo deila puede significar:deila
- deila
- d, [Goth. dailjan and ga-dailjan = μερίζειν, μεταδιδόναι, διαιρεθν, etc.; A. S. dælan; Engl. to deal; Germ. theilen; O. H. G. tailjan; Swed. dela; Dan. dele.]
- deila
- I. with acc. (never dat.), to deal, divide; the phrase, vilja bæði kjósa ok deila, will both choose and deal, of unfair dealing, a metaphor taken from partners, e. g. fishermen, where one makes the division into shares (deilir), and the others choose (kjósa) the shares they like best, Ld. 38; deildr hlutr, a dealt lot. i. e. share dealt or allotted to one, Grág. i. 243; d. e-m e-t, to allot one a thing, to deal out to one, ii. 294: deila dögurð, d. mat (in mod. usage skamta), to deal out portions of food in a household, Ísl. ii. 337; sér at þar var manni matr deildr, Gísl. 47; þú kunnir aldregi d. mönnum mat, LS. 46: þá er maðr á brot heitinn ef honum er eigi deildr matr á malum, Grág. i. 149; cp. the proverb, djarfr er hver inn deildan verð; d. fé, Skm. 22; d. bauga, Rm. 20; d. e-t út, to deal out, give, FmS. xi. 434.
- deila
- 2. of places, to divide, bound; fírðir deila, the firths are the boundaries, Grág. ii. 217; vatnsföll (rivers) d. til sjávar. Eg. 131: sva vítt sem vatnsföll deila til sjávar, Landn. 57. K. Þ. K. 34.
- deila
- β. used imperS. as it seems; deilir norðr vatnsföllum, Ísl. ii. 345; fjöll þau er vatnsföll deilir af milli héraða, the fells that divide the waters, form the water-shed, between the counties, Grág. i. 432; þar er víkr deilir, Hlt.
- deila
- 3. metaph. to distinguish, discern; eptir þat sá sól, ok máttu þá d. ættir, after that the sun broke forth, and they could discern the airts (of heaven), Fb. i. 431, FmS. iv. 38; deila liti, to discern colours (lit-deili), hence the proverb, eigi deilir litr kosti (acc. pl.), colour (i. e. look, appearance) is no sure test, Nj. 78: metaph., d. víg, to act as umpire in a fight, tourney, or the like, LS. 22: we ought perh. to read deila (not bera) tilt með tveim, 38.
- deila
- 4. various phrases, deila sér illan hlut af, to deal onself a had share in, to deal badly in a thing, Ld. 152: the phrase, e-t deilir máli (imperS.), it goes for a great deal, is of great importance, HS. 65, mod. usage skipta máli, miklu, etc.: d. mál, to deal with a thing, Hom. 34; d. mál e-s, to deal speech, to discuss or confer with one, Ó. H. 82 (in a verse): d. e-n málum, to deal, i. e. speak, confer, with one, Krók. 36 C: d. orðspeki við e-n, to deal, i. e. contend in learning with one, Vþm. 55; rúnar, Rm. 42; eiga við e-t at d., to have to deal with a thing, FmS. viii. 288: the phrase, d. mál brotum, to deal piecemeal with a case, take a partial or false view of a thing, or is the metaphor taken from bad payment (in bauga-brot, q. v.)? Eb. 184; þeir hafa eigi deilt þetta mál brotum, i. e. they have done it thoroughly, have not been mistaken, Konr. 52: to share in a thing, d. kníf ok kjötstykki, to share knife and meat, Grág., Ísl. ii. 487: the phrase, d. hug, to ‘deal one’s mind,’ pay attention to, with a notion of deep concern and affliction; heil vertú Sváfa, hug skaltú d., thy heart shall thou cleave, Hkv. Hjörv. 40: deildusk hugir, svá at huskarlar héldu varla vatni, their minds were so distraught, that the house-carles could hardly forbear weeping, FmS. vi. (in a verse); hence a hardened man is called lítill skapdeildar maðr, (Hugdeila, mind’s concern, is the name of a poem of the 17th century): at þeir deildi enga úhæfu, that they should forbear dealing outrageously, FmS. i. 22; d. heiptir, to deal hatred, to hate (poët.), Hkv. 41: d. afli, ofríki við e-n, to deal harshly and overbearingly with one. FmS. i. 34; d. illyrðum, ill-deildum, to chide, abuse one another, Háv. 37, Ld. 158.
- deila
- II. neut. to be at feud, quarrel; the saying, sjaldan veldr einn þegar tveir deila; deili gröm við þig, Hkv. I. 43; ek bað flögð d. við þau, Sighvat: d. til e-s, to quarrel for a thing, Eg. 510: d. upp á e-n, to complain of one, Stj. 294. Exod. xvii. 2, ‘Why chide ye with me?’
- deila
- β. imperS., ef í þat deilir, if there be dissent on that point, Grág. ii. 125; ef í deilir með þeim, if they dissent, i. 58.
- deila
- 2. d. um e-t, to contend about a thing, as a law term; þeir deildu (they had a lawsuit) um jarðir, FmS. iv. 201; þeir deildu um landaskipti, 315; þeir deildu um land þat er var …, Landn. 125; þeir deildu um leysingja-arf, 100, 101: metaph., d. um stafn, to come to a close fight, Orkn. 232.
- deila
- III. reflex. to spread, branch off; vatnsföll deilask milli héraða, Grág. ii. 218; svá víða sem hón (i. e. Christianity) deilisk um heim, Hom. 49.
- deila
- 2. meðan mér deilisk lífit til, as long as life be dealt (i. e. granted) me, Fms, viii. 205; e-t deilisk af, a thing comes to pass, Hkr. iii. 55 (in a verse); kölluðu þeir, at lengi mundi vörn deilask af úti, that a long defence would be dealt out, i. e. there would be a long struggle, Sturl. i. 59, cp. the Goth. afdailjan = to pay off; hugr deilisk (vide above): þat mun oss drjúgt deilask, it will cost us dear, Am. 19.
Posible inscripción rúnica en futhark joven:ᛏᛁᛁᛚᛅ
Las runas del futhark joven se utilizaron desde el siglo VIII hasta el XII en Escandinavia y sus asentamientos en el extranjero
Entradas similares:
Abreviaciones utilizadas:
- A. S.
- Anglo-Saxon.
- Dan.
- Danish.
- Engl.
- English.
- etc.
- et cetera.
- Germ.
- German.
- gl.
- glossary.
- Goth.
- Gothic.
- l.
- line.
- m.
- masculine.
- n.
- neuter.
- O. H. G.
- Old High German.
- S.
- Saga.
- Swed.
- Swedish.
- acc.
- accusative.
- cp.
- compare.
- dat.
- dative.
- e. g.
- exempli gratia.
- i. e.
- id est.
- mod.
- modern.
- impers.
- impersonal.
- pers.
- person.
- metaph.
- metaphorical, metaphorically.
- perh.
- perhaps.
- pl.
- plural.
- v.
- vide.
- poët.
- poetically.
- q. v.
- quod vide.
- neut.
- neuter.
- reflex.
- retlexive.
Obras & Autores citados:
- Fms.
- Fornmanna Sögur. (E. I.)
- Gísl.
- Gísla Saga. (D. II.)
- Grág.
- Grágás. (B. I.)
- Ld.
- Laxdæla Saga. (D. II.)
- Ls.
- Loka-senna. (A. I.)
- Rm.
- Rígsmál. (A. II.)
- Skm.
- Skírnis-mál. (A. I.)
- Eg.
- Egils Saga. (D. II.)
- K. Þ. K.
- Kristinn-réttr Þorláks ok Ketils = Kristinna-laga-þáttr. (B. I.)
- Landn.
- Landnáma. (D. I.)
- Hlt.
- Háleygja-tal. (A. II.)
- Fb.
- Flateyjar-bók (E. I.)
- Nj.
- Njála. (D. II.)
- Eb.
- Eyrbyggja Saga. (D. II.)
- Háv.
- Hávarðar Saga. (D. II.)
- Hkv.
- Helga-kviða Hundingsbana. (A. II.)
- Hkv. Hjörv.
- Helga-kviða Hjörvarðssonar. (A. II.)
- Hom.
- Homiliu-bók. (F. II.)
- Hs.
- Harm-sol. (A. III.)
- Konr.
- Konráðs Saga. (G. III.)
- Krók.
- Króka Refs Saga. (D. V.)
- Ó. H.
- Ólafs Saga Helga. (E. I.)
- Vþm.
- Vafþrúðnis-mál. (A. I.)
- Stj.
- Stjórn. (F. I.)
- Orkn.
- Orkneyinga Saga. (E. II.)
- Am.
- Atla-mál. (A. II.)
- Hkr.
- Heimskringla. (E. I.)
- Sturl.
- Sturlunga Saga. (D. I.)