Diccionario de Nórdico Antiguo - móðir
Significado de la palabra en nórdico antiguo "móðir"
Según el diccionario inglés de nórdico antiguo de Cleasby & Vigfusson:
La palabra en nórdico antiguo móðir puede significar:móðir
- móðir
- f., gen. dat. acc. móður; plur. in nom. and acc. mæðr (mœðr), gen. mæðra, dat. mæðrum. There is also a monosyll. form mæðr, indecl. throughout in the sing., and answering to feðr, föðr or bræðr (= faðir, bróðir); but these forms are unknown in mod. Icel., and are seldom used in the genuine old writers, being mostly found in legendary writers, who probably followed some provincial Norwegianism; thus passim in Stjórn, af mæðr konungsins, Stj. 82; mæðrinnar kvið, 80: [this word is common to all Teut. languages except Goth., which used aiþei = Icel. eiða (q. v.) instead]:—a mother; sonr á at taka arf eptir föður sinn ok móður, Grág. i. 171; föður-móðir, a father’s mother, 172; faðir ok móðir, id., in countless instances: as a nickname, konunga-móðir, Jarla-m., Fb. iii: in popular tales, the mother of a whole brood (animals), skötu-m., sela-m., laxa-m., represented as an ogre, Maurer’s Volks. 34.
- móðir
- COMPDS: móðurafi, móðuramma, móðurarfr, móðurbrjóst, móðurbróðir, móðurfaðir, móðurfrændr, móðurhús, móðurkviðr, móðurkyn, móðurlauss, móðurleggr, móðurliga, móðurmjólk, móðurmóðir, móðursonr, móðursystir, móðurtunga, móðurætt.
Posible inscripción rúnica en futhark joven:ᛘᚢᚦᛁᚱ
Las runas del futhark joven se utilizaron desde el siglo VIII hasta el XII en Escandinavia y sus asentamientos en el extranjero
Abreviaciones utilizadas:
- acc.
- accusative.
- dat.
- dative.
- decl.
- declined.
- f.
- feminine.
- gen.
- genitive.
- Goth.
- Gothic.
- Icel.
- Iceland, Icelander, Icelanders, Icelandic.
- id.
- idem, referring to the passage quoted or to the translation
- indecl.
- indeclinable.
- l.
- line.
- m.
- masculine.
- mod.
- modern.
- n.
- neuter.
- nom.
- nominative.
- plur.
- plural.
- q. v.
- quod vide.
- sing.
- singular.
- Teut.
- Teutonic.
- v.
- vide.
Obras & Autores citados:
- Fb.
- Flateyjar-bók (E. I.)
- Grág.
- Grágás. (B. I.)
- Stj.
- Stjórn. (F. I.)