
Dizionario Old Norse - á-hankast

Significato della parola Old Norse "á-hankast"

Come definito dal dizionario Old Norse to English di Cleasby & Vigfusson:

að, dep. [hönk, a bank or coil], in the phrase, e-m á., one gets the worst of it. But it is twisted to another sense in the dream of king Harold, FmS. vi. 312. Shortly before the battle at the river Niz, the king dreamt that king Sweyn pulled the hank of rope out of his hand,—réðu svá flestir at Sveinn mundi fá þat er þeir keptust um, þá mælti Hákon jarl: vera má at svá sé, en vænna þyki mér at Sveini konungi muni áhankast, most men read it so that S. would win the prize of contest, then said earl H.: well that may be so, but it seems more likely to me that king S. will be caught.

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Opere & Autori citati:

Fornmanna Sögur. (E. I.)
➞ Vedi tutte le opere citate nel dizionario
