Dizionario Old Norse - hús-kveðja
Significato della parola Old Norse "hús-kveðja"
Come definito dal dizionario Old Norse to English di Cleasby & Vigfusson:
- hús-kveðja
- u, f. ‘house-farewell;’ at Icel. funerals of persons of note, a brief sermon is delivered at the home of the deceased when the body is removed from the house (see hefja A. 3); this sermon is called húskveðja, and a brief account is therein given of the life, character, family, pedigree, etc. of the deceased; when the ‘house-farewell’ is ended, the body is carried out of the house, the last verses of the 25th Passion hymn (En með því út var leiddr), and the following verses on John xix. 5, being sung; after which the coffin is carried to the church, which is sometimes a long way off. See a description of the funeral of an Icel. lady in Þjóðólfr, 17th Aug. 1869, p. 166.
Possibile iscrizione runica in Fuþark recente:ᚼᚢᛋ-ᚴᚢᛁᚦᛁᛅ
Le rune Fuþark recenti sono state utilizzate dal 8° al 12° secolo in Scandinavia e nei loro insediamenti all'estero
Abbreviazioni usate:
- etc.
- et cetera.
- f.
- feminine.
- Icel.
- Iceland, Icelander, Icelanders, Icelandic.
- l.
- line.
Opere & Autori citati:
- Aug.
- Augustinus Saga. (F. III.)