Dizionario Old Norse - ór
Significato della parola Old Norse "ór"
Come definito dal dizionario Old Norse to English di Cleasby & Vigfusson:
La parola Old Norse ór può significare:ór
- ór
- or or, written with o in older vellums, or now and then even with y, yr; in later MSS. with u, ur, which in mod. Icel. is sounded long, úr. In other Teut. languages this prep. has been lost as an independent word; only the Goth. has us = ἐκ, ἀπό, and the O. H. G. ar, ir, ur, which in mid. H. G. was lost and replaced by the adverb aus, O. H. G. uz, answering to Icel. út. Engl. out, a word altogether different from ór, see Grimm’s Dict. S. v. er; ur, however, survived as a prefixed particle in a countless number of compds, in A. S. â-, in O. H. G. ar-, ir-, in mid. H. G. and Germ. er-; causal verbs are formed by means of this prefixed particle, e. g. Goth. us-wakjan, A. S. â-weccan, Engl. to awaken, O. H. G. ar-wechan, Germ. er-wecken. In the Scandin. languages, on the other hand, the independent prep. has been preserved in its fullest extent, whereas the prefixed particle is rare, mostly wiih adjectives, and is sounded and spelt ör-, e. g. ör-endr = exanimis; seldom er-, for erlendr (q. v.) is different; ór- or úr- seems to belong only to words of later formation, as ór-lausn, ór-skurðr, úr-kast, úr-þvætti, refuse; úr-hættis, out of time (from skera ór, kasta úr). These compds will be given under the head of ör- and úr-. The quantity of the root-vowel in the particle or, ur is an unsettled question; the German and Saxon forms er-, ar-, as also the Icel. prefixed ör-, seem to indicate a short, the present Icel. pronunciation úr- a long, vowel. The MSS. in these cases give no help; in this Dictionary it has been assumed as long (ór) in deference to the majority of Editions and the present Icel. spelling and pronunciation.
- ór
- A. Out of, from; as remarked in the introduction to the prep. af, the prep. ór (p. 3, col. 2) denotes from the inside of a thing (out of which), and in most cases corresponds to í, so that the same case which goes with ór would also go with í, (and thus it answers to í with dat., see í A. I-III); tekinn ór jörðu, taken out of the earth (answering to í jörðu, of anything lying in the earth), FmS. i. 51; ór skóginum, vi. 225; yr afrétt, Grág. ii. 233; yr héraði, Ísl. ii. 322, 333; fara ór landi, to leave the country, FmS. vi. 284; ór Þrándheimi, Eg. 32 (opp. to í Þrándheimi); ór Tungu, Nj. 95, 192; Ísland bygðisk ór Noregi. from Norway, Íb. 4; austan ór Smálöndum, Nj. 122; ór Breiðafirði, Ísl. ii. 368; ór Eyjum (all names compounded from Ey), Landn. passim; ór Mön, from the Isle of Man, Nj. 138; ór Hrafnistu (an island), 164; ór Þjóttu (a Norse island), FmS. iv. 275; ór Skógi, Skógum, Nj. 89; ór Gili, 113; ór Mörk, 192; ór Þórólfsfelli, 39; ór Saurbæ, 164; ór Garði, Landn., Nj. 164; cp. i, p. 315, col. 2 (A. loc. II); er þá bar ór hafi, FmS. ii. 64; ór lopti, passim; úr eldi, Nj. 132; ór vötnum, FmS. i. 226; ór höll, xi. 16; ór Valhöllu, Nj. 132; ór tjaldi, FmS. ii. 268; ór garði, Nj. 54; ór kirkju, FmS. ix. 471; ór poka, Ld. 202; hús ór húsi, from house to house, BS. i. 386; flokk ór flokki, Karl. 244; ór gólfinu, Ld. 53; ór húsum, Grág. ii. 336; ór norðri, suðri, vestri, austri, Eg. 133: ór hendi, out of one’s hand, GrEg. 62, Nj. 84: the phrase, bíða ór stað, to bide ‘out of’ one’s place, i. e. to bide without moving, Ó. H. (in a verse).
- ór
- 2. with adverbs; ofan ór fjalli, Eg. 766: niðr ór, FmS. iii 94; fram ór, out of; út úr, out of, (Goth. ût-;us, whence arose the mod Germ. aus); út ór hringinum, Ld. 276.
- ór
- 3. ok ræðr lækr ór henni til sævar, Dipl. ii. 2; festina er ór var fjötrinum, Edda 20; þit skulut spyrja ór kaupstefnu, to ask news from the meeting, Ísl. ii. 346; ráðask ór hernaði, to leave off freebooting, Eg. 2; komask ór barnæsku, Sturl. i. 226; vakna ór svefni, to wake out of sleep, 623. 14; rísa upp ór dauða, 655 ix. C. 1; segjask ór lögum, to secede, Íb. 11; vera ór sögunni, to be out of the story, Nj. 22, 120; falla ór minni, BS. i. 39.
- ór
- B. Metaph., denoting forfeiture; þá er hann útlagr ok ór goðorði sínu, Grág. i. 33; ok ór öllum skrúðanum, and stripped off all their ornaments, Nj. 132.
- ór
- 2. of a part of the whole; þessir téllu ór liði Haralds, Eg. 11; kveðja fimm búa yr sóknar kvið, Grág ii. 208; ryðja búa ór kviði, kvöð, Nj. 110; menn sakna Skeggja ór flokkinum, Grett. 30 new Ed.; maðr andask ór kvöðinni, Band. 14 new Ed.; Joseph var ór kyni Davíðs, Post.; þriðjungr ór feti, Rb. 482.
- ór
- 3. denoting cause; andask, deyja ór sárum, sótt, to die of wounds, sickness. Eg. 36, Landn. 217, FmS. ii. 164, SkS. 594.
- ór
- 4. of the substance of which a thing is made (see af C. III); ór járni, of iron, Nj. 272; ór gulli, silfri, Akv. 7; þat er ór jörðu, Eluc. 9; ór Ymis holdi var jörð of sköpuð, en ór sveita siár, björg or beinum, baðinr ór hari, en or hausi himin, en or hans heila, etc., Vþm.; úr hári, ullu, etc.; ór osti, FmS. vi. 253.
- ór
- 5. of changing from one state to another, from; ek veil ekki hvat ór honum er orðit, 623. 53; verða at ösku ór miklu mannvirki, Al. 48; görir heimska ór herskum, Hm. 93; auka ór því sem áðr hafði verit, beyond what it was, Al. 145, Nj. 192; hefir þú nokkut samit þik ór því sem var, Ísl. ii. 211: þurru mjök vinsældir hans ór því sem vóru, they dwindled from what they had been, FmS. x. 160; ór hófi (cp. öróf, öræfi), exceeding, out of measure; allt ór hófi, Al. 54; fégjarn ór hófi, Rb. 370; ganga ór dæmum, beyond example, unexampled. FmS. i. 214, viii. 52.
- ór
- II. ellipt. and adverb. usages; annarra brjóstum ór, Hm.; skar ór spjótið, to cut through, Hkr. i. 37; ok skar út ór, FmS. i. 217.
- ór
- III. with verbs; fara ór, to take off a garment, Nj. 279; ganga ýr, to withdraw, 86, 113; fyrr en ór sliti (ór-slit), till it was all over, 105; skera ór, to decide; leysa ór, to read a riddle, answer, FmS. ii. 283; ráða ór (ór-ræði), to solve a difficulty, Nj. 177, 243; ok hefir þú ílla ór haft við mik, thou hast behaved badly towards me, FS. 140.
- ór
- IV. ór því, since; nú er at segja hvat görðisk í Noregs ór því hann var í burtu farinn, FaS. ii. 84: causal, since, úr því þú vilt það, since thou wishest it, mod.
- ór
- V. double prepp. as adv. ellipt. and as prep.; tók ór verk allan yr augum hans, BS. i. 336; at ór sé grátraust ór skapi hans, Nj. 82.
Possibile iscrizione runica in Fuþark recente:ᚢᚱ
Le rune Fuþark recenti sono state utilizzate dal 8° al 12° secolo in Scandinavia e nei loro insediamenti all'estero
Abbreviazioni usate:
- A. S.
- Anglo-Saxon.
- e. g.
- exempli gratia.
- Engl.
- English.
- Germ.
- German.
- gl.
- glossary.
- Goth.
- Gothic.
- Icel.
- Iceland, Icelander, Icelanders, Icelandic.
- id.
- idem, referring to the passage quoted or to the translation
- l.
- line.
- m.
- masculine.
- mid. H. G.
- middle High German.
- mod.
- modern.
- n.
- neuter.
- O. H. G.
- Old High German.
- q. v.
- quod vide.
- S.
- Saga.
- Scandin.
- Scandinavia, Scandinavian.
- s. v.
- sub voce.
- Teut.
- Teutonic.
- v.
- vide.
- cp.
- compare.
- dat.
- dative.
- i. e.
- id est.
- loc.
- local, locally.
- opp.
- opposed.
- pl.
- plural.
- etc.
- et cetera.
- adverb.
- adverbially.
- ellipt.
- elliptical, elliptically.
- adv.
- adverb.
Opere & Autori citati:
- Bs.
- Biskupa Sögur. (D. III.)
- Eg.
- Egils Saga. (D. II.)
- Fms.
- Fornmanna Sögur. (E. I.)
- Grág.
- Grágás. (B. I.)
- Greg.
- Gregory. (F. II.)
- Íb.
- Íslendinga-bók. (D. I.)
- Karl.
- Karla-magnús Saga. (G. I.)
- Landn.
- Landnáma. (D. I.)
- Ld.
- Laxdæla Saga. (D. II.)
- Nj.
- Njála. (D. II.)
- Ó. H.
- Ólafs Saga Helga. (E. I.)
- Dipl.
- Diplomatarium. (J. I.)
- Edda
- Edda. (C. I.)
- Sturl.
- Sturlunga Saga. (D. I.)
- Band.
- Banda-manna Saga. (D. II.)
- Grett.
- Grettis Saga. (D. II.)
- Post.
- Postula Sögur. (F. III.)
- Rb.
- Rímbegla. (H. III.)
- Sks.
- Konungs Skugg-sjá. (H. II.)
- Akv.
- Atla-kviða. (A. II.)
- Eluc.
- Elucidarium. (F. II.)
- Vþm.
- Vafþrúðnis-mál. (A. I.)
- Al.
- Alexanders Saga. (G. I.)
- Hm.
- Hává-mál. (A. I.)
- Hkr.
- Heimskringla. (E. I.)
- Fs.
- Forn-sögur. (D. II.)
- Fas.
- Fornaldar Sögur. (C. II.)