Dizionario Old Norse - vetr-nætr
Significato della parola Old Norse "vetr-nætr"
Come definito dal dizionario Old Norse to English di Cleasby & Vigfusson:
- vetr-nætr
- f. pl. the winter nights, the three days which begin the winter season, (in Icel. Almanack, 1872, the 24th till the 26th of October are the ‘vetrnætr’): gener. the season when winter begins, fyrir vetrnætr, eptir vetrnætr, at vetrnöttum, etc., Grág. ii. 216, 220; for the feasts and sacrifices at that time (called vetrnátta blót), see Fms. i. 35, ii. 34, Gísl. 18, Eb. ch. 37; vetrnátta-helgr, the first Sunday in the winter-season, Sturl. iii. 167; vetrnátta skeið, the season when winter sets in; um vetrnátta skeið, Ld. 186, Gísl. 96. Fms. iii. 24, xi. 108 (cp. sumar-nætr).
Possibile iscrizione runica in Fuþark recente:ᚢᛁᛏᚱ-ᚾᛅᛏᚱ
Le rune Fuþark recenti sono state utilizzate dal 8° al 12° secolo in Scandinavia e nei loro insediamenti all'estero
Abbreviazioni usate:
- ch.
- chapter.
- cp.
- compare.
- etc.
- et cetera.
- f.
- feminine.
- gener.
- generally.
- Icel.
- Iceland, Icelander, Icelanders, Icelandic.
- l.
- line.
- pl.
- plural.
Opere & Autori citati:
- Eb.
- Eyrbyggja Saga. (D. II.)
- Fms.
- Fornmanna Sögur. (E. I.)
- Gísl.
- Gísla Saga. (D. II.)
- Grág.
- Grágás. (B. I.)
- Ld.
- Laxdæla Saga. (D. II.)
- Sturl.
- Sturlunga Saga. (D. I.)