
Norrøn Ordbok - búðar-kviðr

Betydning av det norrøne ordet "búðar-kviðr"

Som definert av Cleasby & Vigfusson norrøn-engelsk ordbok:

m. a law term, a sort of verdict given by the inmates of a booth at the parliament, a kind of búakviðr, defined in Grág. ii. 84, 85, where it is laid down that the inmates of the booths of shopkeepers, jugglers, and beggars cannot be summoned to serve on a jury, nor the dwellers in a booth which has not at least five inmates (five being a minimum in a jury).

Mulig runeinnskrift i yngre futhark:ᛒᚢᚦᛅᚱ-ᚴᚢᛁᚦᚱ
Yngre futhark-runer ble brukt fra 8. til 12. århundre i Skandinavia og deres oversjøiske bosetninger

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Grágás. (B. I.)
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