Słownik staronordyjski - mis
Znaczenie staronordyjskiego słowa "mis"
Zgodnie z definicją słownika Cleasby & Vigfusson z języka staronordyjskiego na angielski:
Staronordyjskie słowo mis może oznaczać:mis
- mis
- adv., also á mis, the older form of which was miss, which remains in missa, missir, miss-eri, and was in the earliest times sounded so, as may be seen from such rhymes as miss-löng, vissa, Fms. xi. 196 (in a verse of the beginning of the 11th century); [Ulf. misso = ἀλλήλων, prop. a subst. = Lat. vices]:—amiss, denoting to miss one another, pass one another without meeting: þá ríðr hann undir melinn hjá Mosvöllum er þeir bræðr ríða hit efra ok farask þeir hjá á mis, Gísl. 19; as also simply farast á mis, to pass by one another so as to miss; sverð Saul hjó aldri mis, Stj. 495, 2 Sam. ii. 22; hann ætlaði at drepa keisarann … en grípr á mis Karlamagnús, he intended to slay the emperor Charlemagne, but missed him, Karl. 151; gripu þeir á miss hins bezta ráðs, they missed their opportunity, Róm. 278; göra á miss, to do amiss, Hom. 14; leggja á mis, to lay athwart or across.
- mis
- B. In a great number of compds, denoting,
- mis
- α. alternately, Germ. wechsel, as in mis-svefni, mis-vitr, miss-eri, missöng;
- mis
- β. amiss, in a wrong way; and lastly,
- mis
- γ. wrong, evil, see the following compds.
Możliwa inskrypcja runiczna w młodszych Fuþark:ᛘᛁᛋ
Runy młodszego Fuþark były używane od VIII do XII wieku w Skandynawii i ich osadach zamorskich
Używane skróty:
- adv.
- adverb.
- f.
- feminine.
- l.
- line.
- Lat.
- Latin.
- m.
- masculine.
- prop.
- proper, properly.
- subst.
- substantive.
- Ulf.
- Ulfilas.
- v.
- vide.
- Germ.
- German.
- compds.
- compounds.
Prac i autorów cytowanych:
- Fms.
- Fornmanna Sögur. (E. I.)
- Gísl.
- Gísla Saga. (D. II.)
- Hom.
- Homiliu-bók. (F. II.)
- Karl.
- Karla-magnús Saga. (G. I.)
- Róm.
- Rómverja Saga. (E. II.)
- Stj.
- Stjórn. (F. I.)