Fornnordisk Ordbok - óska-stund
Betydelsen av det fornnordiska ordet "óska-stund"
Enligt Cleasby & Vigfussons fornnordisk-engelska ordbok:
- óska-stund
- f. the ‘wish-hour,’ for in the popular belief there is a point of time as short as the twinkling of an eye, recurring, some say, every day, others every week, or every year; and whatsoever one wishes at that moment comes to pass: hence the phrase, þú hefir hitt óskastundina, thou hast hit on the ‘wish-hour,’ when a person has a piece of luck. Akin to this is the legend of three wishes granted to one by some good fairy; hence the phrase, eiga sér ósk, to own a wish; eina vildi eg eiga mér óskina svó góða, a ditty, Maurer’s Volksagen.
Möjlig runinskrift i yngre futhark:ᚢᛋᚴᛅ-ᛋᛏᚢᚾᛏ
Yngre futhark-runor användes från 800- till 1200-talet i Skandinavien och deras utländska bosättningar
Förkortningar som används:
- f.
- feminine.
- gen.
- genitive.
- n.
- neuter.