Fornnordisk Ordbok - þrymr
Betydelsen av det fornnordiska ordet "þrymr"
Enligt Cleasby & Vigfussons fornnordisk-engelska ordbok:
Fornnordiskt ord þrymr kan betyda:þrymr
- þrymr
- 1. m. an alarm, noise, freq. in Lex. poët. of battle: also in poët. compds as, þrym-draugr, -kennir, -lundr, -njörðr, -regin, -rögnir, -svellir, -viðr, = a warrior (cp. Homeric βοην ἀγαθός); in the old lay, Em. 2, for hvat þrymr þar, we read, hvat þrym (dat.) er þar, what din is there? The lost vellum, we suppose, had ‘hvat þrymz þar,’ where z might be the inflexive -r, but was meant to be the personal verb ‘er,’ often written in this abbreviated form above the line; þruma or þrymja, = tonare, is never found in old prose writers or poets; the conclusive reason is that the true idiomatic construction in this case is ‘hvat’ with a dative, and not with a verb (cp. hvat er þat hlym hlymja, Skm.)
- þrymr
- COMPDS: þrymgjöll, Þrymheimr.
- þrymr
- 2. adj. [A. S. þrym], glorious; this seems to be the sense in Skv. 2. 14; þrymr um öll lönd (frægr um öll lönd, v. l.); although the passage is somewhat imperfect, for the verb is wanting.
Möjlig runinskrift i yngre futhark:ᚦᚱᚢᛘᚱ
Yngre futhark-runor användes från 800- till 1200-talet i Skandinavien och deras utländska bosättningar
Förkortningar som används:
- cp.
- compare.
- dat.
- dative.
- freq.
- frequent, frequently.
- m.
- masculine.
- poët.
- poetically.
- adj.
- adjective.
- A. S.
- Anglo-Saxon.
- l.
- line.
- S.
- Saga.
- v.
- vide.
- v. l.
- varia lectio.
Verk & författare citerade:
- Em.
- Eiríks-mál. (A. III.)
- Lex. Poët.
- Lexicon Poëticum by Sveinbjörn Egilsson, 1860.
- Skm.
- Skírnis-mál. (A. I.)
- Skv.
- Sigurðar-kviða. (A. II.)