Dizionario Old Norse - sjálf-dæmi
Significato della parola Old Norse "sjálf-dæmi"
Come definito dal dizionario Old Norse to English di Cleasby & Vigfusson:
La parola Old Norse sjálf-dæmi può significare:sjálf-dæmi
- sjálf-dæmi
- n. ‘self-doom,’ absolute power, Greg. 8.
- sjálf-dæmi
- II. as a law term, ‘self-judgment,’ when, instead of submitting a case to arbitration or to the judgment of a court, one party gave it over to his adversary to give judgment himself; this was by the old customs the greatest satisfaction that could be given, and it often was allowed to an injured man; it was also sometimes used as the last appeal to the justice and generosity of a powerful adversary; the Sagas afford many instances, thus, Sturl. i. ch. 26, 27, ii. ch. 35 sqq., viii. ch. 24, Glúm. ch. 7, Eg. ch. 84, 85, Ld. ch. 50, Nj. ch. 36, 51, Gunnl. S. ch. 10; taka S., selja S., Nj. 54, 77, Ísl. ii. 245.
Possibile iscrizione runica in Fuþark recente:ᛋᛁᛅᛚᚠ-ᛏᛅᛘᛁ
Le rune Fuþark recenti sono state utilizzate dal 8° al 12° secolo in Scandinavia e nei loro insediamenti all'estero
Abbreviazioni usate:
- n.
- neuter.
- ch.
- chapter.
- l.
- line.
- m.
- masculine.
- S.
- Saga.
Opere & Autori citati:
- Greg.
- Gregory. (F. II.)
- Eg.
- Egils Saga. (D. II.)
- Glúm.
- Víga-Glúms Saga. (D. II.)
- Ld.
- Laxdæla Saga. (D. II.)
- Nj.
- Njála. (D. II.)
- Sturl.
- Sturlunga Saga. (D. I.)