Altnordisches Wörterbuch - heiman-fylgja
Bedeutung des altnordischen Wortes "heiman-fylgja"
Wie im Cleasby & Vigfusson Altnordisch-Englisch Wörterbuch definiert:
Das altnordische Wort heiman-fylgja kann bedeuten:heiman-fylgja
- heiman-fylgja
- u, f. the dowry which a bride brings with her from home, opp. to mundr, Grág. i. 174. 313, Nj. 11, Sturl. iii. 179, Korm. 134, Stj. 570, N. G. l. i. 232, Gísl. 16, Ísl. ii. 9, 378, passim.
- heiman-fylgja
- 2. metaph. of a son, Dipl. iv. 5; but mostly of a church, cp. Engl. endowment, the church being regarded as the bride of Christ; h. kirkjunnar, Bs. i. 287, K. Á. 24. ☞ Fylgja is here prop. akin and another form of the word fúlga, q. v., and heiman-fylgja, qs. heiman-fúlga.
Mögliche Runeninschrift im Jüngeren Futhark:ᚼᛁᛁᛘᛅᚾ-ᚠᚢᛚᚴᛁᛅ
Jüngere Futhark-Runen wurden vom 8. bis 12. Jahrhundert in Skandinavien und ihren überseeischen Siedlungen verwendet
Verwendete Abkürzungen:
- f.
- feminine.
- l.
- line.
- L.
- Linnæus.
- m.
- masculine.
- opp.
- opposed.
- cp.
- compare.
- Engl.
- English.
- gl.
- glossary.
- metaph.
- metaphorical, metaphorically.
- pl.
- plural.
- prop.
- proper, properly.
- qs.
- quasi.
- q. v.
- quod vide.
- v.
- vide.
Zitierte Werke & Autoren:
- Gísl.
- Gísla Saga. (D. II.)
- Grág.
- Grágás. (B. I.)
- Korm.
- Kormaks Saga. (D. II.)
- N. G. L.
- Norges Gamle Love. (B. II.)
- Nj.
- Njála. (D. II.)
- Stj.
- Stjórn. (F. I.)
- Sturl.
- Sturlunga Saga. (D. I.)
- Bs.
- Biskupa Sögur. (D. III.)
- Dipl.
- Diplomatarium. (J. I.)
- K. Á.
- Kristinn-réttr Árna biskups. (B. III.)